Option Explicit Const ATTRIBUTEREADONLY = 1 Const ATTRIBUTESYSTEM = 4 Const OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS = &H100000 Const MYDOCUMENTS = "Eigene Dateien" dim shortdocu shortdocu = "Tool for (1.) repairing shortcuts (links) whose working directories are not valid any more or (2.) changing the working directories of shortcuts." & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "Usage:" & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "1. Select an arbitrary file from the folder containing the LNK-files to be processed. (Do not select a system file or a file from a system folder.)" & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "2. Select an arbitrary file from the folder that shall become the new working directory. (Do not select a system file or a file from a system folder.)" & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "3. Unselect/select the 'all LNK-files' option." & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "4. Unselect/select the 'recursive' option." & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "In the default mode, all LNK-files in the folder containing the first selected file are processed: if the working directory of an LNK-file does not exist and is not the empty string, then the folder containing the second selected file becomes the new working directory of the LNK-file." & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "With the 'all LNK-files' option, the program tries to change the targets of all LNK-files whose working directories are not the empty string (that is, even of those LNK-files whose current working directories exist)." & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "With the 'recursive' option, the program also processes recursively all subfolders of the folder containing the first selected file." & vbcrlf shortdocu = shortdocu & "Version: 16.11.2010. (c) M. Dom, 2010. All rights reserved. http://www.mdom.de" Wscript.Echo shortdocu dim abortmsg abortmsg=" The program will abort. No LNK-file has been changed." dim objDialog Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog") objDialog.Filter = "Shortcuts|*.lnk|All Files|*.*" objDialog.FilterIndex = 1 objDialog.InitialDir = "%homepath%\" & MYDOCUMENTS objDialog.Flags = OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS dim intResult, strResult intResult = objDialog.ShowOpen strResult = objDialog.FileName Set objDialog = nothing If intResult = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "No file selected." & abortmsg Wscript.Quit end if dim folderpath, folderpathbsl folderpath = getfolderpath(strResult) folderpathbsl = withbsl(folderpath) Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog") objDialog.Filter = "All Files|*.*" objDialog.FilterIndex = 1 objDialog.InitialDir = "%homepath%\" & MYDOCUMENTS objDialog.Flags = OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS intResult = objDialog.ShowOpen strResult = objDialog.FileName Set objDialog = nothing If intResult = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "No file selected." & abortmsg Wscript.Quit end if dim repairfolderpath, repairfolderpathbsl repairfolderpath = getfolderpath(strResult) repairfolderpathbsl = withbsl(repairfolderpath) dim changeall if msgbox("Try to change only the working directories of those LNK-files whose current working directories do not exist? (Selecting 'No' means: try to change all working directories.)",vbYesNo)=vbNo then if msgbox("Ttry to change all working directories: Are you sure?",vbYesNo)<>vbYes then Wscript.Echo "Selection not confirmed." & abortmsg Wscript.Quit else changeall=true end if else changeall=false end if dim recursive if msgbox("Process only the LNK-files in '" & folderpath & "'? (Selecting 'No' means: also process recursively all subfolders.)",vbYesNo)=vbNo then if msgbox("Also process recursively all subfolders: Are you sure?",vbYesNo)<>vbYes then Wscript.Echo "Selection not confirmed." & abortmsg Wscript.Quit else recursive=true end if else recursive=false end if dim objShell, objFSO Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim objFolder Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(folderpath) preprocessdirectory objFolder, changeall, recursive, objFSO, objShell, abortmsg processdirectory objFolder, repairfolderpath, changeall, recursive, objFSO, objShell Set objFolder=nothing Set objFSO = nothing Set objShell =nothing Wscript.Echo "Done." sub preprocessdirectory(objFolder, changeall, recursive, objFSO, objShell, abortmsg) dim objAllfiles Set objAllfiles = objFolder.Files dim file dim extension dim shortcutpath dim shortcut For Each file in objAllfiles If (file.attributes and ATTRIBUTESYSTEM)=0 then extension = objFSO.GetExtensionName(LCase(file.name)) If extension = "lnk" then shortcutpath = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(file) Set shortcut = objShell.CreateShortcut(shortcutpath) If StrComp(shortcut.WorkingDirectory,"")<>0 and (changeall or not objFSO.FolderExists(shortcut.WorkingDirectory)) Then if (file.attributes and ATTRIBUTEREADONLY)<>0 then if recursive then Wscript.Echo "The LNK-file '" & shortcutpath & "' is read-only." & abortmsg else Wscript.Echo "The LNK-file '" & getfilename(shortcutpath) & "' is read-only." & abortmsg end if Wscript.Quit end if end if Set shortcut = nothing End If End If Next set objAllfiles = nothing if recursive then dim objAllsubfolders Set objAllsubfolders = objFolder.Subfolders dim subfolder For Each subfolder in objAllsubfolders If (subfolder.attributes and ATTRIBUTESYSTEM)=0 then preprocessdirectory subfolder, changeall, true, objFSO, objShell, abortmsg End If Next Set objAllsubfolders = nothing end if end sub sub processdirectory(objFolder, repairfolderpath, changeall, recursive, objFSO, objShell) dim objAllfiles Set objAllfiles = objFolder.Files dim file dim extension dim shortcutpath dim shortcut For Each file in objAllfiles If (file.attributes and ATTRIBUTESYSTEM)=0 then extension = objFSO.GetExtensionName(LCase(file.name)) If extension = "lnk" then shortcutpath = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(file) Set shortcut = objShell.CreateShortcut(shortcutpath) If StrComp(shortcut.WorkingDirectory,"")<>0 and (changeall or not objFSO.FolderExists(shortcut.WorkingDirectory)) Then shortcut.WorkingDirectory = repairfolderpath shortcut.save end if Set shortcut = nothing End If End If Next set objAllfiles = nothing if recursive then dim objAllsubfolders Set objAllsubfolders = objFolder.Subfolders dim subfolder For Each subfolder in objAllsubfolders If (subfolder.attributes and ATTRIBUTESYSTEM)=0 then processdirectory subfolder, repairfolderpath, changeall, true, objFSO, objShell End If Next Set objAllsubfolders = nothing end if end sub function withbsl (folderpathOrFoldername) if isnull(folderpathOrFoldername) then withbsl=null elseif StrComp(folderpathOrFoldername,"")=0 then withbsl="" elseif StrComp(Right(folderpathOrFoldername,1),"\")=0 then withbsl=folderpathOrFoldername else withbsl=folderpathOrFoldername & "\" end if end function function withoutbsl (folderpathOrFoldername) if isnull(folderpathOrFoldername) then withoutbsl=null elseif StrComp(folderpathOrFoldername,"")=0 then withoutbsl="" elseif StrComp(Right(folderpathOrFoldername,1),"\")=0 then withoutbsl=left(folderpathOrFoldername,len(folderpathOrFoldername)-1) else withoutbsl=folderpathOrFoldername end if end function function getfolderpath (filepath) if isnull(filepath) then getfolderpath=null exit function end if dim myfilepath myfilepath=withoutbsl(filepath) dim bslpos, nextbslpos bslpos=0 do nextbslpos=InStr(bslpos+1,myfilepath,"\") If nextbslpos>0 Then bslpos=nextbslPos loop until nextbslpos=0 if bslpos>0 then getfolderpath = left(myfilepath,bslPos-1) else ' cannot happen? getfolderpath="" end if end function function getfilename (filepathOrFilename) if isnull(filepathOrFilename) then getfilename=null exit function end if dim myfilepathOrFilename myfilepathOrFilename=withoutbsl(filepathOrFilename) dim bslpos, nextbslpos bslpos=0 do nextbslpos=InStr(bslpos+1,myfilepathOrFilename,"\") If nextbslpos>0 Then bslpos=nextbslPos loop until nextbslpos=0 if bslpos>0 then getfilename = mid(myfilepathOrFilename,bslPos+1) else getfilename = myfilepathOrFilename end if end function